The Group meets once a month, usually on the third Friday, at 7.30pm in the Colwich &  Little Haywood Village Hall, Chilwell Avenue, Little Haywood, Stafford. ST18 0QZ.

 At these meetings we have a speaker, a plant sales table, which has many unusual and reasonably priced plants for sale, and a raffle. Tea, coffee and biscuits are also available. In the summer we also have outings to gardens further away, usually by coach.

 The annual local membership fee is £9 per person , or £18 joint, payable to 'HPS Staffs. Group' in the January, and this covers the twice yearly group Newsletter and indoor meetings. There is a charge for visitors of £4 and you are very welcome to join us at any meeting.

 At the time of joining the local group you will also be required to join the National Group. The membership fee is £17 per person or £19 joint, payable to The Hardy Plant Society'.






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